Monday, March 31, 2014

Positive Choices & Poetry

Along with giving up negativity, there are some positive choices that I feel are important to make.  Being negative takes time, dwelling on things that are not beneficial, in an effort to take steps to give that up I am working on implementing some positive changes to my day.

Looking Ahead by Examining the Past

I have always had a penchant for the dark, the despair. However, there were some very beneficial things that I loved long ago that I somehow let slip away. Poetry for example. I don't know when I quit reading/writing poetry, but I miss it. 

Poetry helped bring Richard and I together. We both liked poetry. In high school I loved poetry, it carried me through the difficult situations and helped me to find a place I belonged. I got lost in Tennyson, Poe, Dickinson, C.S. Lewis, Dorothy Parker, Byron, Keats, Yates, Shakespeare, Browning, Longfellow, Whitman, and so many more... I still hear their words floating back to me... 

I felt a clearing in my mind
as if my brain had split
I tried to match it seem by seem
but could not make it fit.
I strove to join the though behind
unto the thought before
but sequence raveled out of reach
like balls upon the floor. 

I pull lines, like threads through time, to help circumvent the stresses of my daily life; remind myself that others have come, found beauty in the daily life, and though they have gone, they have left guideposts for my heart; buoys for navigation through the waters of life.

National Poetry Writing Month

I found out through a friend's post on facebook yesterday about NaPoWriMo.  April is National Poetry Writing Month and I think that it fits in perfectly with my decision to give up negativity. Using words to craft hope from darkness seems to be a way to make my transition more tangible. I am tired of the doubt and the negativity. I like living with joy, with hope, and without the weight of the dark. Now, I can share that in a wordsmithery format.

So, starting on Tuesday I will be writing a new poem everyday for the month of April... I will share them here or on my new Tumblr site I created for this purpose.

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