Wednesday, March 1, 2017

My 40, 40, 40 Plan

The world is falling apart. I am a mess. Stress is killer.
I am embracing a new plan that is 120 days of Fasting, Focus, and Faith.
[Comprehensive info below and more coming soon.]

As I take stock of an ever less stable, unsure, and dangerous political situation, life in America seems to be growing quite bleak. I look toward the resistance and people fighting it with respect.

As I look around my own life, I see it falling apart. A marriage undergoing the trials of financial stress, a toddler, job insecurity, crushing student debt, technology dependence, and my weight struggles.  My poor health and lack of energy coupled with my weight problems means I am less productive than ever. My 2 year old has learned how to walk and talk, count, say and recognize the alphabet, and is now continuing his preparation for MENSA; trying to learn everything about the world by defiantly disassembling everything in my house. There is much stress.

I have been looking at ways I can reclaim control (if I ever had any) of my surroundings. I have this crazy idea that if I can control my focus, I can control my life. Anxiety and depression make for an incredibly complex situation where I worry about everything and make all kinds of plans for things I don't want to nor have the energy to do.

Also, there is the issue of Christianity. I am working on another post about my thoughts on modern Christianity, but succinctly I will state that I am repulsed by the Evangelical Christians of the Trump faith. I want to combat their hypocritical manipulations. I choose to do that through truth.

A 40/40/40 Plan. It is 120 days spent on realigning myself and my faith in the increasingly hate filled world. I will outline each one here then write a separate, more in depth post about each one. (Please note, the total number of days is not a literal number, it is just catchy. I am not counting weekends because those are dedicated to God and family.)

40 Days of Fasting
Lent + Easter: "40" Days of sacrifice and abstention for the purpose of growing closer to God through prayer. There is nothing I am changing about Lent and there are many great articles already written about it from perspectives online.

40 Days of Focus
April 17 - June 9: Having just spent 40 days fasting and focusing on my relationship with God, I hope to spend these "40" days in focusing on God's teachings about how I am called to interact with everyone around me. 40 days of focusing on a pragmatic set of principles to govern my life and my actions. 40 days focusing on who I am to be toward others.

40 Days of Faith
June 12 - August 4: Now, 80 days into this, I will have a stronger relationship with God, a pragmatic set of rules for my interactions with the world, and I will be setting out on the next phase in faith. Walking by faith that the Holy Spirit's guidance within my heart will strengthen me as I set out to create a new world paradigm for living as if God's promises through Christ were true.

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