Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Problem with People

The problem with people is that you can't hold them to a higher standard.
You can hold yourself to a higher standard, but they don't have to meet it.

That is mostly fine until you have to rely on other people for your word to be kept and your endeavors to succeed. Then, you are the mercy of their standards and like it our not, you are measured by them.

Should I have to lower my expectations in order to accommodate those who are casual about their standards and who don't value keeping their word?

This is the point I get mad. I tend to yell. In search of other solutions, I day dream about giving them a taste of their own medicine. Then, I sit down with a tub of ice cream and watch a well written British mystery program. I try to solve a fictional murder, since I can't solve my own problems.

I'm sure there are healthier ways to process. I know there are more productive pursuits. Tell me though, how many of them involve chocolate, my couch, and Kenneth Branagh?

Yeah, that's what I though.

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